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Help Release Detained Children
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Make a Difference
Project Reunify is a project of the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional law, a 501(c)(3) non-profit public interest legal foundation located in California.
Your tax-deductible donations will be used exclusively to support ongoing litigation in the case of Flores v Garland to ensure that detained immigrant children are released as promptly as possible to relatives living in the United States and that their conditions of detention are safe and sanitary.
Donations may also be used to fund the monitoring of conditions of detention in U.S. Border Patrol facilities where thousands of accompanied and unaccompanied minors are detained.
Over 10,000 immigrant minors are currently detained in the United States. The vast majority of these minors are eligible for prompt release to close relatives in the US. On a daily basis we dedicate resources to win the release of minors and to improve their conditions of their detention through both advocacy and ongoing litigation in the nationwide class action case entitled Flores v. Garland. Your contributions make this important work possible.
The Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law is the only non-governmental organization in the country authorized under the Flores settlements to inspect U.S. detention facilities holding minors and interview all detained minors.
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